300 grms digestive biscuits
250 grms hazelnuts
500 to 600 grms ganche
orange liquor
500 grms hazel nuts to decorate.
500 grms melted chocolate
225 Cream
300 Fondant Choclate
25 grms Glucose
50 grms butter
1. With a rolling pin break the digestive biscuits into small pieces, an to it add the chopped hazelnuts.
2 Mix well and add the ganache to the mixture, mix well togather.
3 Form balls and freeze for 30 mts.
4 Than pass through the the melted chocolate, and than through the chopped hazelnuts.
To prepare the ganche
1 Boil the cream and glucose
2 Add onto the chocolate and mix well till it melts, than add the butter, before adding to the mixture of biscuits and hazelnuts allow to thicken
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